Being in the "zone" and painting

Sometimes I feel like I'm in the "zone" and everything feels automatic, almost like I don’t have to do any thinking. The paint just flows exactly in the manner I wish it to and I feel like I could paint anything. Unfortunately, some days it seems like there’s a giant fence surrounding the zone and I'm having trouble getting over the fence, no matter how hard I try everything is an uphill battle.

It seems like what helps me be in the "zone" includes:
  • having a clear passion for the subject I am painting
  • having those first brush strokes flow with the exact colour I'm looking for
  • having no distractions (including gardening - which is difficult in the summer)
I'm almost completed the painting I shared last week.  Here it is. There is probably an hour or two remaining for it to be completed.
Danielle Beaulieu watercolour of wagon
The garden is gorgeous this year and I'm spending a lot of time outdoors. Therefore, I'm not painting as much as I do the rest of the year.

Have a great week,
