
Being thankful for the opportunity to learn

Thank You and Merry Christmas

Working on a waterfall

Old lanterns

Breaking the rules in paintings - focal point

Drones and possible impact on paintings

Lucky to feel motivated

Had a great day - Oil lamp

Christmas card and rusty old nail

Favorite Inspirational Art Quotes

Admiring old barns

Mother nature and fall colours

Loon calls

Art vacation

Latest Commission

New paint brush

Bits and More Bits

Trying new approach during workshop

The secrets that old recipe books hold

How I enjoy canoe camping

Looking forward to retirement

Getting Ready for Art in Park

Fascinated by Skies

Increased chipmunk population

Collecting Vintage Windows

Developing confidence

Being Wired

My favorite impressionist - Monet

Enjoying painting some (antique) still life

Keeping it quiet or not

Taking the right reference photo